From class discussion today – WoW 6th Graders rock!
In response to portions of an article we read today from Quanta Magazine: Cells Talk and Help One Another via Tiny Tube Networks 2018;
From class discussion :
Why would it be helpful for a cell or group of cells to help another cell?
- Keeps cells alive by splitting amount of protein each gets
- If cells help each other, sick cell would not die
- If one cell is sick, cure it, so disease doesn’t spread
- Cells work as team, everyone participate; if one is sick, it can’t do its job
- Keeps neighboring cells alive
What is the possible negative side to these tiny nanotubes (tnt)?
- TNT connects sick to healthy, so disease could spread
- Could take from healthy cells items they need; resulting “helping” cell getting sick or dying
- Healthy cell loses and sick cell still might die
- Some cells might stop working