Tentative Information for Science portion of the Integrated Project


more advanced version  http://iaspub.epa.gov/tdb/pages/treatment/treatmentOverview.do?treatmentProcessId=1934681921




Solar disinfection:  see link below:



Instructions and Rubric for Groups

Scoring Rubric & Instructions for Water Purification Project

(Important Warning:  This water used in this project is to simulate purification,

and is NOT to be consumed as part of the testing!)


In assigned teams, you will be creating a water purification & collection/storage system.  The systems must have a minimum of 3 steps (which we studied in lab):

  • Gross particle filtration – percolation
  • Flocculation with Alum
  • Evaporative or UV “sterilization”


The system design and testing will also have three components:

  1. A very neat labelled diagram (poster) to explain the steps of purification
  2. A one page typed explanation of water purification, including amounts of water needed for system, time required for the process to be complete, and net water collected (water in minus water lost = water collected), cost, process, etc.
  3. 3 D working model of the system


  • Resources will be posted on my BLOG; Chromebooks will be available
  • Notes from our water labs


  • Think recycled materials (paper filters okay)
  • Do not use current inventions such as Brita filters, instead think what might be available in the Sudan for those on very limited income
  • Portable (easy to carry in the desert/sahel/savannah on foot)


Scoring Guide


Poster -Diagram of system Explanation Page 3D Model

Extra credit

Title, 1 – 2 labelsdifficult to determine images, messy, monochormatic (one color)10 Printed page, somewhat describing filtration system parts, but lacking details about the scientific process of filtration.10 Model attempted, though may not be assembled, or “working”. Limited evidence of effort.5 Brief presentation.  Evidence of rehearsal lacking.  Less than 1 minute.5
Title, 3 – 4 labels, images fits paper, neat, few captions,color used to highlight specific items, for instance all titles in blue, captions in black
Typed page, describes in 1 -2 paragraphs construction of system, but lackingdetails about the scientific process of filtration.
Model assembled, water moves through system, shows evidence of particulates being removed in final product.  May have several stages or need human intervention to keep system working.  Not automatic in any part.10 Presentation showing poster & model, may be reading from script.  1 – 3 minutes.10
Title, 7 – 10 labels with captions (descriptions of function/purpose of component), color used to highlight specific items, for instance all titles in blue, captions in black, creative, unique, neat.
Typed 4 – 6 paragraph page that details both components and functions of systemand includes details describing the science of gross particle filtration, flocculation, and distillation (of water).
Model assembled, water moves through system, shows significant evidence of particulates being removed in final product.  May have several stages or need human intervention to keep system working, but some stages are “automatic”.  Water is nearly clear at end of process.15 – 20 Exciting presentation describing and showing system in use.  Poster and (Power-Point) is used to highlight presentation to include information related to LWtoW and Africa’s water shortage, music, images to enhance theme.20

Checklist for Science – Water Purification System

Day 1 – Wednesday

  1. Discuss with your group, the three stages of water filtration.
    1. Percolation b. flocculation (with alum) c. distillation
  2. Research current simple water filtration systems. See BLOGs.
  3. Record notes.

Day 2 – Thursday

  1. Sketch a rough draft plan of system. Maybe each person submits an idea, or in partners. Then call a meeting of your group and discuss plusses and minuses of each design.
  2. Rework the final idea of the design.
  3. Make a list of items you will need to build the system and bring them to school. (Some items may already be here. Think recycled items – don’t spend money if you can avoid it. Be clever!)
  4. Rough Draft of report describing your water purification system (divide this up into sections).

Day 3 – Friday

  1. Assembly Day!   Help and be careful to follow diagram.
  2. Test system. Prepare description of how it works. Rework the diagram, label parts, place diagram on the presentation board.
  3. Share sections of report and type up.
  4. Place information on tri-fold board. Leave room for Math graphs, maps, etc. for other parts of project.
  5. Board suggestion: Keep it neat. Think about size and don’t add scribbles to decorate. Contrast colors, white on black for instance, behind pieces enhances appearance.


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