I hope you saw this beautiful Waxing Crescent Moon last night! We could actually see the portion not directly illuminated by the sun giving this moon 3D coolness! Also, to the left, though not well seen in this photo, we could see Venus (the evening “star”), and Saturn was also visible, but super tiny (probably 4 pixels in this picture)!
Keep looking. I hope the sky clears up tonight (Nov 3).
Okay, here’s your chance! Look for the moon somewhere on a line left of the sun!
Also, check out this great article on other super sky events this month!
Lab data in class on W & Th. If unable to collect data, come to A7 during lunch or AL to complete. Packet due Friday.
Ask student to see rubric and instructions. Also, follow this link for more information about moon phases, moon rise and set times.
Great site to get detailed information about the sun. We will read & discuss portions of this in class. Know layer, temperature, and basic info. about the layer.
Welcome back to school after Winter Break!
We are studying density and will need to have our “science brains” really focused as we calculate mass, volume, and then mass to volume (or mass divided by volume) to get to density. Please bring a calculator to lab on Tuesday and Wednesday!
Nice work! This photo taken by A.L. – Looks full to me! Thanks for sending in the first photo!
Attention Students: Planet cards (Big 8) was due last week. Grades should be ready by Friday 10/23. Did you turn your in? Late projects worth maximum 70%.